Thursday, September 13, 2018

Phenomenal 83-foot wave detected in Hurricane Florence | PaysToPost.com

Phenomenal 83-foot wave detected in Hurricane Florence | PaysToPost.com: Amid all the warnings of fierce winds, a huge storm surge and massive power outages, forecasters have also spotted something else unusual about Hurricane Florence: a giant wave.
A “phenomenal” 83-foot wave stirred in the eastern quadrant of Hurricane Florence early Wednesday morning, according to Eric Christensen, a senior marine meteorologist at the National Hurricane Center.
Satellite radar picked up the image Wednesday between 4 a.m. and 5 a.m., when Hurricane Florence was located about 660 miles southeast of Wilmington, N.C., he said.

“To pick something up like that is very rare,” Christensen said by telephone Wednesday night. “This satellite just happened to sample the storm at the right place and the right time. This wave would be very, very unusual in any circumstance.”

Hurricane Florence had weakened late Wednesday night to a category 2 storm, but was still barreling toward the Carolinas, where it is expected to make landfall on Friday or Saturday, according to the hurricane center.