Thursday, September 6, 2018

Who is Zina Bash? Woman behind Brett Kavanaugh at Supreme Court confirmation accused of flashing white power hand gesture | PaysToPost.com

Who is Zina Bash? Woman behind Brett Kavanaugh at Supreme Court confirmation accused of flashing white power hand gesture | PaysToPost.com: Zina Bash, a former clerk for Judge Brett Kavanaugh who is now senior counsel on Texas Attorney General Ken Paxtons executive leadership team, sat behind the nominee during the first day of his Supreme Court confirmation hearing on Sept. 4 and appeared to flash what many alleged to be a “white power” hand symbol.
Bash is one of the leaders on Kavanaughs White House confirmation team, according to the National Law Journal. She previously served on the White Houses Domestic Policy Council, as well as a director on the 2016 campaign of Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas. She has been listed as one of the Hills “50 Most Beautiful” on Capitol Hill and is a Harvard graduate, completing her undergrad degree in 2004 and graduating from Harvard Law School in 2007. According to her LinkedIn page, she also received an MBA from the Wharton School in 2013.

Zina Bash sits behind Judge Brett Kavanaugh during the first day of his Supreme Court confirmation hearing on Sept. 4. (Photo: MSNBC)
The lawyer, who also served in the Trump administration as “special assistant to the president for regulatory reform, legal, and immigration policy,” is currently under fire as she appeared to hold her thumb and index finger in an “O” shape, with her three other fingers extended.
Many Twitter users claimed the positioning of her hands during the hearing was unnatural, a symbol of white nationalism. It is rumored that the three extended fingers are a “W” for “white,” while the thumb and forefinger form the shape of a “P” for “power.” The claim was originally circulated by members of 4chan; however, the gesture has now become synonymous with white supremacists.

Keith R. Dumas

Who is she? Whats up with the white power sign? @MSNBC
1:44 PM - Sep 4, 2018


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What fresh hell is this!!!???
Kavanaughs assistant Zina Bash giving the white power sign right behind him during the hearing? This alone should be disqualify!!!
— Amy Siskind (@Amy_Siskind) September 4, 2018

During the hearing, Bash can be seen smirking or, according to some, looking smug when protesters were kicked out as Democrats moved to adjourn the hearing, saying that they did not have time to go over thousands of documents that were released late on Monday night.

Fireworks erupt at beginning of Brett Kavanaugh hearing

However, others suggest that Twitter users are reading too far into Bashs placement of her hands, citing her own heritage as a Mexican-American whose grandparents escaped the Holocaust.

Garrett Ventry


Zina is one of the nicest humans on this earth. She is Hispanic, her mom is from Mexico, her dad is Jewish, and her grandparents are Holocaust survivors. This is simply unhinged.

4:22 PM - Sep 4, 2018


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Teralyn Renea

The OK hand is not a white supremacist signal and /pol/ is the only reason that association was even created. Zina Bash is quite literally the child of Jewish immigrants. Its supremely ugly to start a hunt based on one picture and a theory from 4chan. #doyourresearch
Keith R. Dumas

Who is she? Whats up with the white power sign? @MSNBC

6:12 PM - Sep 4, 2018


See Teralyn Reneas other Tweets


People are saying no one rests their hand this way...look closer....her index finger and her thumb arent touching.

Kavanaugh is bad enough, why make shit up like this

Zina Bashs husband, U.S. Attorney John Bash, defended his wife on Twitter, writing, “The attacks today on my wife are repulsive… We werent even familiar with the hateful symbol being attributed to her for the random way she rested her hand during a long hearing.”